The Little Merman #14
Watch today’s episode on YouTube. Click here
The Little Merman - Part 14 Pirate Ben asks his dad, the captain of the pirate ship, if a lady can join them on their next trip out to sea.
My story is now laying the groundwork for a later lesson. Hopefully everyone thinks it is funny that James and Ben tricked Ben’s dad into letting a witch on his ship.
In this episode, I had fun with the pirates cheering for a new cook that includes puppets from The Puppet Company and Sunny Toys. The captain of the pirate ship is the large 25” pirate from Silly Puppets. I use a control rod that comes with him to wave his hook around. His voice is my classic Pirate voice. You can see his wooden leg in the Talent Show from November 2023.
The full version of this show can be seen on this site at the end of this month. Until then, please enjoy some happy times watching previous shows here at The Puppet Hideaway. Go ahead, explore all the fun you can find on this site.