Hideaway Farm #19
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Hideaway Farm – Part 19 - On their tour of the wool mill, Donna introduces Chester Crow to some merino sheep. They have some of the finest wool of any sheep. They show Chester they soft wool scarves that they make for the store.
Show Summary: Chester Crow is a reporter for Hideaway News. He visits Hideaway Farm for a news series he’s working on about farming. Farmer John and Judy give him a tour of the chicken coup, dairy farm, pig pens, wool mill, stables, and fruit orchards. Chester interviews funny farm animals to learn why this farm is so unique and special.
The full version of this show can be seen on this site at the end of this month. Until then, please enjoy some happy times watching previous shows here at The Puppet Hideaway. Go ahead, explore all the fun you can find on this site.