The Puppet Hideaway is filled with entertaining puppet characters who love good times, happy days, and great fun with everyone.
Please enjoy the brighter side of life with our friends who share a universal goal of making the world a happier place.
Daily Episodes
The Puppet Hideaway Shows
The Store
Meet Our Friends
Ima Nuttin
Eric Thomsen Biography
Tap image to watch
From early childhood, Eric loved puppets because they sparked his imagination. He quickly learned to sew and made a family of puppet characters. Then he enlisted some friends to help him perform shows around his community.
In college, he studied media production to prepare for a career in children’s entertainment. While working at a FOX TV station he created Foxford, a puppet character, for the Fox Kids Club show. In recognition of his talents, the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences awarded him an internship at NBC Studios’ children’s programing department.
He continued his passion for children’s entertainment by working at Fox Kids on the Power Rangers franchise, and then at Sony Pictures developing toys and games for Spider-Man, Smurfs, and Ghostbusters. Next, he led the toy team at Pokémon and was inspired to pursue his lifelong dream of creating his own puppet program.
The Puppet Hideaway comes from Eric’s belief that everyone should have a happy place where they can enjoy some fun and entertainment through the ups and downs of life. These shows are not limited to any character or place, because the world of puppets is boundless. Just look and see.
“I've always tried to present a positive view of the world in my work. It's so much easier to be negative and cynical and predict doom for the world than it is to try and figure out how to make things better. We have an obligation to do the latter.” -Jim Henson
Contact us
(323) 449-6053
10610 NE 9th Place Unit 1108
Bellevue, WA 98004-8640