The Little Merman #22
Watch today’s episode on YouTube. Click here
The Little Merman - Part 22 Pirate James apologizes to Mariel the mermaid. He shows her a pearl he wanted to give her that turns out to be a magic wishing pearl.
Are you ready for a quick resolution to this story? James apologizes for his mistakes. He is forgiven by Mariel. His gift to her turns out to be a magic pearl.
The clam/pearl puppet is from Folkmanis Puppets. This is the first time I have used it in a show. The character is wonderful to perform. This puppet is unique, so it adds a special bit of magic and fantasy to this story. It makes me smile when I see it.
The full version of this show can be seen on this site at the end of this month. Until then, please enjoy some happy times watching previous shows here at The Puppet Hideaway. Go ahead, explore all the fun you can find on this site.