The Little Merman #24
Watch today’s episode on YouTube. Click here
The Little Merman - Part 24 The witch is magically transported to a ghostship. She convinces the skeleton crew to take her to Halloween Town to meet her other skeleton friends.
My favorite part of this story is when the witch arrives on the ghost ship. In my first draft of the script, she just disappeared. Since she’s not a villain, I realized she couldn’t just go away. I decided she should go back to Halloween Town. As the script took shape, I came up with the idea of adding a ghostship that could take her home and make her and a skeleton crew happy.
This is a standalone episode. It doesn’t move the story forward, but it assures us that our favorite witch is OK and happy to go home with a new group of skeleton friends.
I strung up Halloween décor over the ship background, and I used a fog video filter with a black and white setting to make this creepy ship scene stand out from the rest of the show. I had fun with this episode. The witch and raven puppets are from Folkmanis Puppets. The skeletons are 14” and 17” size from Silly Puppets. FYI – the skeletons all glow-in-the-dark.
The full version of this show can be seen on this site at the end of this month. Until then, please enjoy some happy times watching previous shows here at The Puppet Hideaway. Go ahead, explore all the fun you can find on this site.