The Little Merman #26
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The Little Merman - Part 26 Pirate James surprises Mermaid Mariel when his third and final wish is to become a merman so he can be a part of her world under the sea.
This is it! James has his final wish. He could wish for Mariel to be human, but instead he asks to be a merman. Mariel is happy that he wants to be part of her world. He is happy to swim with the sharks, and date her of course! I smile every time I hear James say, “Look Mariel, I have a tail”.
I attempted to do the transition of James from a pirate to a merman with a video trick, but I couldn’t get it to work. Every attempt went wrong. I tried again and again. This was big moment in the show, so it had to be right. I was frustrated. Finally, I went with the only thing I could think of, a simple still photo transition. I set up my camera with the puppet in the scene and just carefully remove his tail costume piece between photos. Then I reversed it of course. I think I worked. I hope you agree.
The full version of this show can be seen on this site at the end of this month. Until then, please enjoy some happy times watching previous shows here at The Puppet Hideaway. Go ahead, explore all the fun you can find on this site.